Monthly Report: December 2024

The December results for R2P INVEST PTE.LTD., a company specializing in the analysis and acquisition of overdue receivables, indicate steady and stable growth.
Current portfolios in December achieved 104.08% of the set targets. Additionally, 16 new portfolios were added to the fund: three from Kazakh financial companies with a total value of €377,262.49, one from a Philippine banking company worth €10,473,865.84, three Slovak portfolios totaling €9,201,511, and nine Czech portfolios with a combined value of €1,510,389.70.
We now manage a total of 141 portfolios with a combined value of €1,202,697,628. Indonesia continues to hold the largest share in the fund with 27 portfolios by total volume. The top-performing regions are the Czech Republic, with a performance of 151.39%, and Indonesia, at 151.23%.